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The National Association of Enugu State Law Students has written the Governor of Enugu state, Dr. Peter Mbah, appealing for the support of his administration to enable the law students from Enugu who are currently in various Law School Campuses in the country, pay up their fees.

The students said they have sought to see the governor severally through their letters dated 23 October 2023, 20th November 2023 as well as the one addressed to the office of the deputy governor, but without response.


Lamenting how lack of funds had forced their parents, who are mostly civil servants, to engage in unfitting activities in order to see them through their studies, the students expressed fears they might end up not finishing their one year compulsory legal training due to the increased school fees with limited payment window which has thrown their aspiration into jeopardy.

“Many of us come from families struggling to make ends meet. This exorbitant fee hike, paired with the short deadline, has thrust us into a financial abyss, threatening to extinguish the flames of hope we have so meticulously nurtured through years of dedicated study.”


Despite these parental efforts, the students said many of them still found it difficult to pay the hiked school fees.

In a letter obtained by Daily Gazette which was jointly signed by the group’s National President, Stephen Samson Obiora, the National Secretary, Ugwuoke Johnpaul Obisike and National Public Relations Officer, Aguoma Uzoamaka, they called on Governor Mbah’s administration to assist them.

The letter reads;
“We, the undersigned law graduates from Enugu State, wish to once again congratulate you on your merited victory at the polls and to also commend your good works in our dear state. We write to you today with a humble and passionate heart to solicit your immediate intervention in a matter that threatens to extinguish the dreams of numerous aspiring legal professionals like ourselves. The legal profession is an enviable profession which seeks to uphold the principles of rule of law and interpret the laws of a country.”

“Your Excellency, we are very happy that our dear State (Enugu) has two great minds and leaders as her Governor and Deputy who are also intellectuals in the legal profession and who know what it takes to be part and parcel of the legal profession.”

“Having proudly completed our undergraduate studies in Law, we stand poised at the precipice of the final hurdle before joining the ranks of dedicated legal minds serving our state: the Nigerian Law School program.
However, Your Excellency, a sudden and significant increase in fees from N296,000 to N476,000 coupled with a severely limited payment window has thrown our aspirations into jeopardy.”

A copy of the letter obtained by Daily Gazette

“Many of us come from families struggling to make ends meet. This exorbitant fee hike, paired with the short deadline, has thrust us into a financial abyss, threatening to extinguish the flames of hope we have so meticulously nurtured through years of dedicated study.
Your Excellency, this financial issue has put a full worrisome burden in us which was the reason we have written to your good office several letters which we sent out the first one on the 23rd October, 2023. A corresponding letter which we sent out to your office on the 20th November, 2023 and also a passionate appeal letter to the office of the Deputy Governor which we sent out on the 20th November, 2023.”

“Your Excellency, denying us access to the Law School because of this sudden financial burden would not only be a personal tragedy for each of us, but also a significant loss to Enugu State legal profession which you are also part of Your Excellency.
We represent a vibrant pool of legal talent, brimming with passion, dedication, and the desire to contribute meaningfully to our communities and uphold the rule of law. We envision ourselves becoming lawyers who will champion the rights of our citizens, foster economic growth, and strengthen the foundations of justice in our state.”

“Therefore, we humbly appeal Your Excellency to consider our plight with the utmost urgency and extend a lifeline of bursary/financial assistance. This is not merely a request for financial aid; it is a plea for an investment in the future of Enugu State. Every legal mind saved from this financial bottleneck represents a future champion of justice and progress for our state.”

“The recent fee increase and restrictive deadline leave us with very little time. We understand the immense demands on your public purse, but we firmly believe that providing an emergency bursary assistance to bridge this financial gap would represent a swift and impactful investment in the future of Enugu State. The return on this investment will be measured not only in the bolstering of our legal system, but also in the strengthened framework of justice, economic development, and overall well-being of our communities.”


“We, the aspiring legal minds of Enugu State, humbly beseech Your Excellency to act swiftly and grant us emergency bursary assistance. With your support, we can overcome this financial hurdle and contribute to the betterment of our state with unwavering dedication.”

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