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The Benue State House of Assembly has repealed the controversial life pension law for former governors and their deputies.

This decision was made during a plenary session on Monday, reversing the law passed by the 9th Assembly in May 2023, just before their tenure ended.


The current 10th Assembly argued that the law, which provided extensive benefits to ex-governors and deputies, was not in the state’s best interest and labeled it as anti-people.

Members of the House unanimously supported the repeal after extensive discussion.

Speaker, Aondona Dajoh, confirmed the repeal of the “Bill for a law to repeal provision for the maintenance of former elected governors of the state and their deputies and for other matters connected thereto 2024.”

The previous law, championed by the former Speaker of the 9th Assembly, Engr. Titus Uba, and presented by Hon. Geoffrey Agbatse, included provisions for monthly pensions equivalent to the current salaries of serving governors and deputies, funded by the state’s consolidated revenue.

Key benefits outlined in the repealed law included:
– Monthly stipends equivalent to the salaries of the incumbent governor and deputy governor for life.
– Maintenance allowances of N25,000,000 for former governors and N15,000,000 for former deputy governors every four years.
– Procurement of two SUVs for former governors and one official car for former deputy governors.
– Provision of personal staff, including personal assistants, drivers, cleaners, and a cook for former governors, and similar, though fewer, staff for former deputy governors.
– Security details, yearly medical expenses, and vehicle replacements every four years.

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