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The Enugu State chapter of the Young Progressives Party (YPP) has released its assessment of Governor Peter Mbah’s performance after his first year in office, highlighting significant achievements in infrastructure while expressing concerns over the state of education, water, and other areas.


In a press briefing held in Enugu, YPP state chairman, Engr. Tony Udeani detailed the party’s evaluation, noting that while there has been remarkable progress in infrastructure development, the education sector remains critically underperforming.

Udeani commended Governor Mbah for his administration’s focus on improving infrastructure.

He cited several completed and ongoing projects, including road constructions, bridge repairs, and the modernization of public utilities, which have significantly improved transportation and connectivity in the state.

However, the YPP’s assessment was less favorable regarding education.

Udeani pointed out that schools across the state continue to suffer from inadequate funding, dilapidated facilities, and a shortage of qualified teachers. The party noted that these issues have led to poor academic performance and low morale among students and staff.

The YPP offered several recommendations to address the challenges in education.

They urged the Mbah administration to prioritize the refurbishment of school facilities, ensure timely disbursement of educational funds, and invest in teacher recruitment and professional development programs instead of building new smart schools.


Udeani called for the implementation of technology-driven learning solutions to bridge the gap in educational quality and access, particularly in rural areas.

Full text of the statement:

DATE: 28TH MAY 2024


“As Ndi Enugu marks the one-year anniversary of PDP Governor Peter Mbah’s administration, the Enugu State Chapter of the Young Progressive Party (YPP) takes this opportunity to assess the progress made and highlight areas that require immediate attention. We believe that constructive criticism and collaboration are essential for the growth and development of our beloved state. Enugu belongs to all of us.”


Investment and Economic Growth: “We commend the administration’s efforts to attract investment, notably through multiple Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with international partners during the Governor’s investment drive to Austria. These agreements, including plans for an agricultural model similar to Austria’s success, and support for foreign investors like Sapphire Ceramics, are positive steps forward. The latter produces 75,000 square meters of tiles daily and employs over 800 workers.”


Business Environment Improvements: “The administration’s initiatives to improve the business environment, engaging with institutions like the African Development Bank and African Export-Import Bank, have the potential to boost investments in critical sectors such as energy, transportation, and ICT.”

Education and Healthcare: “Governor Mbah’s plan to build 260 smart schools and 260 primary healthcare centers in the state’s 260 Wards, with modern facilities and accommodations for teachers, is a commendable effort to enhance education and healthcare quality.”

Water Supply: “Improvements in water production/supply, providing pipe-borne water to many households in Enugu, are acknowledged. However, expansion is needed to ensure comprehensive and steady coverage to all suburbs.”

Infrastructure Development: “Significant road projects, such as the 40km Owo-Ubahu-Amankanu-Neke-Ikem dual-carriageway, the New Enugu Project, and the rehabilitation of urban roads in Enugu metropolis, are noteworthy. Upgrades to transport terminals like the ongoing Holy Ghost Park and Gariki and Ogige Nsuka Park, fitting for the planned CNG buses state transportation system, are also appreciated.”

Security Enhancements: “The administration has significantly reduced security issues, including sit-at-home orders that previously disrupted life and economic activities on Mondays. The reduction in incidents of killings and kidnappings is a step in the right direction.”


Reduce The Burden Of Multiple Taxation: “To achieve the ambitious goal of moving Enugu from a $4.4 billion to a $30 billion economy, the administration must address the burden of multiple taxation on the ordinary people by expediting the development of Enugu’s rich mineral resources, such as Enugu oil fields (OPL 905, OPL 907, OPL 914), limestone, coal, and ceramics among many. This is crucial for state revenue, job creation, and economic recovery.”

Power Supply Improvement: “Despite new laws empowering the state to engage in the power business, there have been insufficient efforts to enhance power supply. The administration should develop robust power infrastructure, partnering with the private sector and leveraging federal licenses to improve power generation and distribution.”

Poverty Reduction: “Enugu’s high poverty rate requires comprehensive measures, including job creation, social welfare programs, and equitable resource distribution. Developing tech hubs and training programs for the youth can also create job opportunities and increase income levels.”

Debt Management: “The administration inherited approximately 167 billion naira and has secured approval to borrow 170 billion naira within one year. Reliance on borrowing poses a risk to long-term financial stability. The state must develop sustainable revenue sources to reduce dependency on loans and ensure fiscal health.”

Local Government Autonomy: “Conducting free and fair local government elections and ensuring full financial and administrative autonomy for local governments is crucial. Local governments should operate independently to serve the democratic interests of the citizens effectively.”

Young Progressive Party’s Vision:
“Had the Young Progressive Party been in the position of governance, we would have prioritized these critical areas to ensure a prosperous and inclusive Enugu State. We are committed to working collaboratively with the current administration to achieve these goals.”

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