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The National Assembly is currently reviewing a bill that proposes the reintroduction of regional government in Nigeria, with the aim of passing it into law by October 1, 2024.

The bill, circulating on social media under the title, “A Bill for an Act to Substitute the Annexure to Decree 24 of 1999 with a New Governance Model for the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” has garnered significant attention.


If passed, it would be known as the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria New Governance Model for Nigeria Act 2024.

The sponsors of the bill, whose identities remain undisclosed, argue that the current 1999 Constitution is not “autochthonous” because it did not originate from the deliberations and consensus of the Nigerian people.

They advocate for a new constitution that reflects the desires of Nigerians and suggest that the amendment be subject to a nationwide referendum.


The draft bill includes the following points:


– The current 1999 Constitution was imposed by the military government without the express consent of the Nigerian people.
– The proposed new constitution aims to establish a federal/regional system of government.
– Ethnic blocs within states will have the discretion to organize into provinces, divisions, and districts while controlling their affairs.

Substitution Clause:

– The National Assembly will use its powers to expunge the schedule attached to Decree 24 of 1999 (the current constitution) and replace it with a new governance model.
– This amendment will be subject to a yes or no vote in a referendum by the people of Nigeria.

Governance Structure:

– Nigeria will be a federation comprising regional territories and a Federal Capital Territory, known as the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
– The territorial jurisdiction will be based on international agreements.
– Every ethnic nationality in Nigeria has the right to self-determination and to establish institutions of government in their territories.
– Ethnic nationalities will have equitable representation in federal and regional governments.

The bill emphasizes the rights of ethnic nationalities to self-determination, self-government, and equitable representation.

It also defines an “Ethnic Nationality or People” as a group with a common culture, language, identity, and psychological makeup, inhabiting a specific territory.

The proposal, if enacted, would significantly alter Nigeria’s governance structure, aiming to decentralize power and enhance regional autonomy.

The National Assembly’s consideration of this bill reflects ongoing discussions about the need for constitutional reform and the desire for a governance model that better represents the Nigerian populace.

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