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Pope Francis voiced concerns on Friday about the 2024 U.S. presidential candidates, criticizing both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris for their positions on key moral issues.

Speaking to reporters aboard his return flight to Rome after a 12-day tour of Asia, the Pope said that both candidates hold stances “against life.”


He pointed to Trump’s hardline immigration policies and Harris’s strong support for abortion rights as examples.

“Both are against life,” the Pope said. “The one who discards migrants and the one who supports abortion. Both positions are serious offenses against life,” he continued.

While Francis made clear that he is not an American and will not be voting, he emphasized the moral gravity of both immigration and abortion issues.


He called deporting or denying work to migrants a serious sin, and highlighted the importance of welcoming those in need.

Trump has pledged to crack down on illegal immigration if re-elected, while Harris, as a supporter of Roe v. Wade, has promised to work toward restoring abortion rights following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn the landmark ruling.

Pope Francis also raised the dilemma many voters might face in choosing between the two, calling it a matter of selecting the “lesser of two evils” and urging voters to consider their consciences when making their decision.

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