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The National Guild of Private Broadcast Managers has issued a strong condemnation of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) following the invasion of Urban Radio 94.5FM Enugu and the arrest of its staff on October 14, 2024.

In a press release signed by the Secretary of the guild, Dr. Sammy Adiran, and made available to DAILY GAZETTE, EFCC operatives stormed the radio station during a live broadcast at approximately 6:15 PM, taking the presenter, Mrs. Favour Ekoh, and other staff members into custody.


The statement reads in part:

“Much like a greater proportion of the broadcasting community in Enugu, and most recently with the spread of the news across a greater part of the larger Media industry in Nigeria, we received with shock, the news of the attack on the premises and facilities of an Enugu-based broadcast establishment – Urban Radio 95.4FM on Monday, 14th of October 2024 by 6:15pm, during PRIME TIME, a live radio show. The EFCC operatives had reportedly taken away the Presenter on duty as well as other staff, who were present within the broadcast premises.”


“Following the news, members of our Association – the National Guild of Private Broadcast Managers swiftly swung into action to ascertain and evaluate the situation, but more importantly ensure the safety of the staff members, who were reportedly abducted by un-plain clothed-operatives of the Enugu State branch of Economic & Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). While information was being gathered and contacts were being made, we received reliable reports that the staff were released later that evening. On further investigation and information gathering, it was discovered that the top brass of the Commission was initially upset with its operatives for the attack on a media establishment, but shockingly took a total 360 with their position as contained in their hurriedly put together Press Release on the subject matter, which has been circulated across various platforms and unfortunately – established media outlets.”

“While it is shameful that some newspapers have reported the incident, without thorough investigation, we join the rest of the wider Fourth Estate – who seek and stand by truth, to condemn this action and approach by the anti-graft agency in its entirety. This total lack of respect shown by agents of the Commission for the institution and sanctity of the Media establishment, evidenced by the invasion for the purpose of arrest, rather than following due process is totally condemnable and reprehensible to say the least, an action that must be resisted and discouraged by any agency of government, group or individual.”


“After thorough and impartial investigation into the matter (as is required of our job), we have presented our position as a body:

“BLACK MONDAY: On the evening of Monday, it was reliably reported that armed operatives of the EFCC stormed the premises of the radio station without proper identification or regalia and forcibly gained entrance into the studio building and demanded that the presenter – Mrs. Favour Ekoh follow them immediately to their office. She was LIVE on air at the moment and the un-identified armed men forcibly destroyed broadcasting equipment in a bid to cut short the live broadcast – with no search warrant or any official written invitation by the Commission. The audio clip is available for all.”

“LEVERAGE INDEX LTD AND FAVOUR EKOH: It was discovered from information gathered from various reliable sources, coupled with the statement issued by Urban Radio 94.5FM proves that this incident may not be unconnected to the external activities of a paying client of the station – Leverage Index Ltd, who purportedly engage in the business of Finance Marketing.”

“This is an organization of which Favour is neither an employee nor a brand representative of. Urban Radio 94.5FM has no prior dealings or relationship with Leverage Index Ltd, save for the airplay of its products and services; as they would with any paying client. However, the company in question– Leverage Index Ltd was a sponsor of a segment of her show – the Powder Room.”


“N700MILLION PONZI SCHEME ALLEGATION: The broadcaster in question, Mrs. Favour Ekoh, who was accused of defrauding hapless victims, supposedly to the tune of N700million in an alleged Ponzi scheme. An allegation which, in the minds of the anti-graft was warranted simply because she hosted a programme, paid for by Leverage Index Ltd. Even if she was, it would amount to the highest form of mental derangement for any sane human to defraud anyone, and still go about his/her duties on the Radio – where she can easily be approached by her so-called accuser(s). If such allegations ever existed, the standard practice would require that her organization be duly notified.”


“PROFESSIONALISM & STANDARDS: It must be established here that Urban Radio 94.5FM and its staff (as with every and every duly-licensed media organization) operates under extant Laws and regulations in both operations and conduct, which prevents them for engaging in unprofessional conduct, and action which are inimical to industry standards and set global practices. For this cause and more, our professions prevents practitioners from showing bias and engage in sentimental endorsements, especially in the discharge of our duties; irrespective of operative platform, This well-known fact pooh-pooh’s the copious amount of lies alleged by the EFCC in their statement.”


“EFCC’S PRESS STATEMENT OF MENDACITIES: The EFCC the following day, had hurriedly compiled a watery now widely circulated PRESS STATEMENT, issued by its spokesperson Dele Oyewale, heavily coated in misrepresentations of the facts and contradicting statements, exonerating their operatives and placing the blame squarely on the station and Mrs. Ekoh who are neither the accused company or agents.”

“CALCULATED SMEAR CAMPAIGN: It must be noted that, despite the spirited attempts of the anti-graft agency to soil the reputation and person of Mrs. Favour Ekoh in a bid to score cheap points, we must categorically state here that she is a thoroughbred broadcast journalist and currently the Head of News. Favour is an active member of the Nigeria Union of Journalists and was elected Vice President of the PGD in Media, Communications & Strategy 2024 Cohort of LLBSUK. Favour is also a wife and mother and a public figure with no prior accusation of fraud in her life and/or career as a journalist.”


“BRAND AMBASSADOR: The trumped up allegations against Favour as regarding promoting a Ponzi scheme is totally baseless and false, as no evidence of such is evident on any of her social media handles or any of her public platforms. She is unfairly being labeled as a scapegoat for a third-party and has never been unveiled or contracted to act as Brand Ambassador or Representative of the said company.”

“NO WARRANT: We must also question the seeming failure of anti-graft agency failed to show proof of any communication or invite to Mrs. Ekoh, or to her employer, or even the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to produce Mrs. Ekoh, if she ignored an invite – which is impossible. The EFCC cannot claim that Favour had been evasive, as she lives and maintains her family and life in Enugu. The allegations that an arrest warrant or an invitation was presented is therefore false and misleading.”


“DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT: In a bid to forcibly arrest Mrs. Favour Ekoh, operatives of the EFCC tampered with the studio equipment, when they realized their intrusion was captured LIVE on air, they hurriedly carted off the studio phones, apparently to stop any evidence of their presence – which was eventually to no avail.”

“NIGERIA’S HISTORY OF INVASION OF BROADCAST ESTABLISHMENTS: While it has unfortunately become kosher for the EFCC to adopt unbridled, Gestapo-style methods to apprehend criminals (of which Mrs. Ekoh and other staff of the Radio Station in this instance are definitely not), the agency has fallen to a new, all-time low by barraging into a duly licensed, tax-paying broadcast mediae stablishment for whatever cause or reason by the action of its trigger-happy operatives.”


“Our national history proves how this scenario by the EFCC mirrors previous events experienced under the military in the dark days of coups and counter-coups, when coup-plotters stormed the then Radio Nigeria in Lagos, brutalizing on-air personalities and forcing them to play martial-music and subsequently announcing a change of Government.”

“George Santayana in “The Life of Reason” is credited with the famous quote in 1905 that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Perhaps our lukewarm and seemingly dismissive attitude to this latest incident may lend credence to the over 105-year old saying. Today, the broadcast profession has unfortunately become an object of ridicule, a victim in progressively abusive and horrific experiences meted out from different groups from Coup plotters, Agitators, Security Agencies (as had occurred in a TV Station in Imo in 2023), and now the EFCC joining the fray and gaining notoriety by this reprehensible act of intimidation.”

“By this action of the EFCC, it is clearly evident to media practitioners that we can now add attacks on our media establishments as part of workplace hazards, as it is no longer enough to be harassed in the field, but apparently also at work. It is ironic however, that not too long ago, it is on record that the EFCC Executive Chairman, Mr. Ola Olukoyede has consistently called for stronger alliances and partnerships with the agency to help achieve its aims in the fight against corruption.”

“As a professional body, we totally condemn the actions of the Enugu state command of the EFCC for this recent violation of the rights of both the individuals and the invasion of the independence of the freedom of the Press.”

“If this matter is allowed to fizzle away as expected, which organization will be next? Should we henceforth suffer anxiety about our safety at our places of work as journalists; praying that what we say would not draw the ire of any disgruntled individuals with some connections to power- simply because of what we said or who we interviewed? While we sympathize with victims of fraud and corruption and commit to working to strengthening our systems and practices to foster due diligence in interactions with our clientele, we also encourage the public to work with us and the relevant agencies to report questionable organizations, causes and claims on whichever platform.”

“It will also be important that the anti-graft agency become more proactive by publishing names of organizations with dubious financial dealings and forward same to businesses to help them steer clear.”


“With this said, we also demand an unequivocal apology from the EFCC to the Media, Mrs. Favour Ekoh as well as our key stakeholders – our listeners for the public embarrassment, threat to life and damage to property. This distasteful behaviour by the EFCC operatives must not be allowed to stand, due process must be followed at all times, and operatives require extensive training on best practices in future dealings – whether they be media or no.”

“We must reiterate however, that it is the commitment of our organization to constantly work the Commission as a progressive partner to fight against criminality and corruption, irrespective of whose ox is gored – but within the ambit of respect for law, humanity and civility.”

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