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Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has issued a stern warning to anti-corruption protesters planning a banned march in Kampala on Tuesday, stating they are “playing with fire.”


In a televised address on Saturday, Museveni, who has ruled Uganda since 1986, condemned the planned demonstration, labeling it illegal and accusing the protesters of being influenced by foreign interests.

He did not provide further details on these allegations.

“Some elements have been planning illegal demonstrations and riots,” Museveni stated.


Earlier on Saturday, Ugandan police had informed the protest organizers that the planned march would not be permitted, citing intelligence reports suggesting that certain groups intended to exploit the demonstration to incite chaos.

“Demonstrations can only be allowed under our mandate as long as they do not cause public disorder or disrupt the lives of lawful citizens,” said Frank Mwesigwa, the Ugandan police operations director, in a statement to AFP.


Despite the ban, protest organizers have vowed to proceed with the march.

Louez Aloikin Opolose, a prominent protest leader, emphasized that they do not need police permission for a peaceful demonstration, asserting it as their constitutional right.

“We will continue with the demonstration regardless of the police stance,” said Shamim Nambasa, another protester, highlighting that the march aims to address corruption tolerated by parliament.


Uganda ranks poorly on the corruption perceptions index by Transparency International, positioned at 141 out of 180 countries.

The protesters have been closely monitoring the recent wave of protests in neighboring Kenya, which began as peaceful demonstrations against tax hikes but evolved into a broader anti-government movement.

These protests have highlighted issues of corruption and police brutality, resulting in at least 50 deaths and 413 injuries since June 18, according to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights.

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