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Professor Sunny Udeze of Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) has urged African leaders to address the continent’s negative global image by tackling entrenched corruption.

In his ESUT 39th Inaugural Lecture titled “Deconstructing Stereotypes and Reconstructing the Image of Africa in the Global Media: Public Relations Nexus,” Udeze argued that Africa’s poor reputation is largely due to widespread corrupt practices among its leaders.


He highlighted that the negative stereotypes about Africa—such as living in caves or having animal-like traits—are fueled by these corrupt practices.

Udeze emphasized that genuine public relations efforts must be grounded in truth and effective governance to counter these misconceptions.

“The image of Africa has been distorted by the corruption and negative actions of its leaders,” Udeze said. “True public relations can only be achieved by doing the right things. The media often perpetuates these negative images because they are unusual and sensational, whereas the positive aspects are overlooked.”


Udeze stressed the need for a shift in mindset, suggesting that Africa’s leaders need to prioritize genuine development over personal gain.

He criticized the practice of hoarding wealth abroad while neglecting local needs, such as infrastructure and healthcare.

“To improve Africa’s image, leaders must understand that reputation is not handed to them but earned through consistent positive actions,” Udeze added.

He called on African leaders to act with integrity to foster a better image and dispel harmful stereotypes.

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